Storytelling is a marketing tactic for expressing a brand’s message through engaging stories.
Like the old direct-response approach, you should use storytelling to sell efficiently. This way, the audience gets the point and actively imagines what you, as a storyteller, describe. At the same time, you wake up their emotions so they become engaged and thus remember the story messages.

A key distinction in Jeff Walker’s PLF is that marketing stories are delivered in sequences. This approach ensures your message resonates with the audience over time, preparing them for the next phase. Jeff suggests using a “cliffhanger effect” at the end of a content piece, compelling the audience to follow the story in the next content piece.
Below is a quick overview of what each content piece should express to make a sale in the final phase – Open Cart:
- Prelaunch Content Piece (PLC) #1: Theme – The Opportunity. Show potential clients how their lives could transform.
- PLC #2: Theme – The Transformation. Demonstrate how this transformation could manifest in their lives, usually through case studies.
- PLC #3: Theme – The Ownership Experience. Ensure potential clients feel a sense of ownership over the proposed change.
- Open Cart Sequence: Theme – The Enrollment. The focus here is on getting potential clients to commit to that change.