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Product Launch Formula Review

BEST FOR: All-In-One Marketing & Sales Course

LEVEL: Beginners and Average

Rating: 4,7/5

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Page Summary

Are you considering enrolling in Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula (PLF)? This review explains the PLF, its author, how it works, and why it is so effective for launching products and businesses. Learn about the course’s pricing and get an in-depth look at the training modules and bonus training from the member’s area.

I will review module by module and share how they affected my learning experience. For your convenience, I include screenshots, allowing you to preview the course content firsthand. I’ll present my takeaways and the pros and cons of this training. I’ll conclude this review and answer some FAQs at the end so you can make an informed decision.

While the right sidebar provides a concise overview of the PLF, read further for more details about this coaching program.

What is the Product Launch Formula (PLF)?

Product Launch Formula (PLF) is a course by Jeff Walker that provides detailed, step-by-step training to launch a product or a service online.

The training has been around for a long time and has made its mark in various industries, markets, languages, and locations. Its success lies in its proven effectiveness, making it more than just a passing trend. PLF has achieved remarkable results, and according to Forbes, it has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in sales and changed how people run online businesses. By following the principles taught in this course, you can ensure a smooth and successful product launch and be one of the PLF’s success stories.

Inside The PLF Program

Who’s the author?

Jeff Walker is the founder of Product Launch Formula and shares his proven and tested formula once a year. You might be curious about the origins and timeline of PLF, and Jeff provides detailed insights on that within the program. 

In this review, I delve into Jeff’s attitude and the level of support he offers during the course. To learn more about Jeff Walker, read this article.

Jeff Walker - author of Product Launch Formula
Jeff Walker

What is Jeff Walker’s teaching style in the course?

Jeff Walker is not just a theoretical teacher but a practical coach who provides clear directives and actionable steps. He goes beyond textbook references and shares exactly what to do and where to start. Jeff uses many real success stories as references, which is inspiring. Throughout the course, he gives clear, step-by-step directions to ensure you understand and can use the information.

How does the PLF coaching program work?

The Product Launch Formula works by turning the marketing for your product or service into an engaging event. The program leverages the Sideways Sales Letter™  and integrates three powerful components:

  • stories,
  • sequences and
  • mental triggers.

Jeff explains these core concepts in detail in his yearly Launch Masterclass workshop. I shared my notes from the workshop on this page, where you can grasp it quickly and get an idea of how the PLF works.

elements of product launch formula

How much does the Product Launch Formula cost?

The Product Launch Formula is priced at $1997 for a one-time payment or $2382 if you pay in six installments of $397 each.

This program does not have any hidden costs associated with it. Yet, it’s important to note that certain tools or services recommended within the PLF are not free (particularly those related to the technical aspects of launching, including website hosting, landing page softwares, etc).

The Breakdown of the PLF Course: What Can You Find Inside The Members’ Area?

When you buy the course, you gain access to a comprehensive training program designed to guide you through every step of launching online. Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Introductory Training: Reinforces key concepts from the Launch Masterclass and prepares you for the core modules.
  • Core Modules: Eight in-depth modules covering different launch phases and types.
  • Bonus Training: Sixteen mini-modules to refine your strategies.
  • Coaching: A full year of group coaching sessions.
  •™: An AI tool to streamline your launch process.
  • Community: Access to a vibrant community of coaches and fellow students.

The PLF provides a clear starting point with checklists, templates, and scripts to align your strategy with business goals.

As we explore the modules below, you’ll gain insights into Jeff Walker’s time-tested formula for successful product launches.

Introductory training

This section introduces you to the Product Launch Formula and its cornerstone strategies. You’ll discover the classic Sideways Sales Letter®, which turns your marketing into an event. Jeff talks a lot about building authority and trust and teaches how to use sequences, stories, and mental triggers to your advantage. You will also learn about the five main launch types, including the Seed Launch®, Internal Launch, and JV (Joint Venture) Launch.

The intro lessons might be familiar if you’ve attended Jeff’s Launch Masterclass. The intro section sets the foundation for the eight core modules, which go deeper into the launch strategies. The core modules include exercises, templates, and step-by-step Action Guides to support you on your launch journey.

The 8 Core Modules

Below, I’ll review the eight in-depth modules that cover different launch phases and types of launches.

8 core modules exposed
8 core modules with lessons (click for details)

Module 1: Preparing to Launch

Module 1 in Product Launch Formula® (PLF) covers the foundational elements for a successful product launch. Essential steps to prepare for your launch include:

  • Define Your Niche & Avatar: Identify a specific market segment and create a detailed profile of your ideal customer.
  • Create Your Transformation Statement: Express the main benefits and changes your product will bring to your customers.
  • Build Your List: Start creating an email list, aiming for 300-500 prospects before launching.

The first module helps you understand your market and your ideal customer. I learned how to apply the classic direct marketing rules to refine my message so it was more persuasive. The library’s case studies provide even more practical insights into the lessons from this module.

Module 2: Seed Launch

The “Seed Launch” module teaches you how to get paid to create a product the market wants. The strategies taught in the module are ideal for those without a market-tested product or those looking to create a new product.

The seed launch allows you to get paid while creating a product that you know will be successful. The idea is to run a live training with a small group of people, where you gather valuable insights and material to develop your product for the launch. With a small “seed” list, you can test your product and gather buyer feedback to refine and improve it for future releases.

This type of launch (Seed Launch) avoids the pitfalls of developing unwanted products. By the end of module 2, you’ll understand the strategic fit of Seed Launches in your business and how to plan and execute them.

Module 3: Internal Launch

Module 3 focuses on the Internal Launch, a strategy for presenting your market-tested product to an existing list of prospects. This type of launch is perfect for products that have already achieved sales.

The Internal Launch follows a three-phase (Sideways Sales Letter) approach:

  • Pre-Prelaunch: Begin building anticipation.
  • Prelaunch: Engage prospects with compelling content.
  • Open Cart: Drive conversions with a strong call to action.

Note: The three phases listed above need much attention and are the independent topics of the following modules.

By the end of the current module, you will have a clear plan for executing an Internal Launch. It will include setting timelines, crafting compelling offers, and segmenting your launch list. You will also learn to engage your audience to drive sales and gather valuable feedback.

As you complete this module, embrace a humble and open mindset and learn from real-life examples shared in the Case Study & Examples Library. In these case studies, you’ll hear from PLF Owners who’ve had massive wins with Internal Launches.

Module 4: Pre-Prelaunch

Module 4 focuses on the Pre-Prelaunch phase, where you build anticipation and refine your offer by engaging with your prospects. In this phase, you set the stage for your launch, and use strategies like the Shot Across the Bow to gather valuable feedback and create buzz.

By the end of the module, you’ll have a clear plan for initiating conversations with your audience. You will test your offer and generate excitement for your upcoming launch.

module 4 - Pre-Prelaunch
Module #4 (click for details)

Module 5: Prelaunch

The Prelaunch module bridges the gap between the Pre-Prelaunch and Open Cart phase. Prelaunch is crucial for preparing your prospects for your offer through the sequence, where you help them understand:

  • the Opportunity,
  • the Transformation, and
  • the Ownership Experience your product provides.

You’ll create engaging Prelaunch content and emails to build anticipation and trust. Your final goal throughout this module is to ensure your audience is ready and eager for the offer.

The module provides insights into the pre-selling process, and the accompanying PDFs are priceless. Reviewing the PDFs helps me revisit specific parts I might have missed and saves me time, as I don’t have to rewatch all video segments.

Module 6: Open Cart

Module 6 covers the Open Cart phase, where you start taking orders for your product. This module outlines the steps and strategies for maximizing sales during this critical period.

You will learn how to script your sales video, write an effective open cart email sequence, and create a seamless buying experience.

It’s essential to approach this stage with an abundance mindset. Embrace gratitude for every small victory and remain resilient in the face of any challenges that may arise. Learn to adapt and recalibrate smoothly.

Module 7: Joint Venture (JV) Launch

Module 7 focuses on the Joint Venture (JV) Launch, a strategy that involves partnering with others to promote your product. This approach leverages your Internal Launch assets and adds new materials to train and support your partners.

The lessons in this module will show you how to find, contact, and nurture your JV partnerships to scale your business to the next level.

By the end of this module, you’ll know how to execute a successful JV Launch, attract and train partners, and understand the value of promoting for others. You’ll also have the opportunity to become an affiliate of PLF.

module 7 - JV Launch
Module #7 (click for details)

Module 8: Launch Life

The “Launch Life” module guides you in building a sustainable business using launch strategies. This module teaches you how to expand your products and offers, manage many launches, and achieve long-term growth.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Creating Your Launch Life: Learn how to build a business around launch types that align with your desired lifestyle and income goals.
  • Secrets of Leverage and Scale: Discover strategies for growing your business, including time management, team building, and goal setting.
  • Launch Mindset: Strengthen your mental game to maintain progress and overcome challenges.
  • Launch Metrics: Understand and track key metrics to optimize your launches and improve sales and conversion rates.

You’ll also gain insights into protecting your time, building a team, and defining your business objectives. By the end of this module, you’ll have a solid foundation for building and scaling your business using the Product Launch Formula®.

Bonuses in the Product Launch Formula course

When you buy the course, you’ll get access to a wide range of bonuses and benefits that exceeded my expectations when I signed up. The bonus mini-modules that you can currently find inside the course are listed below:

  • Launching Your List: Mini-module that teaches you how to build, grow, and profit from your list.
  • Product Creation Code: The course teaches you how to create a product your prospects will buy.
  • Tech Stack Quick Start: Training on Jeff’s recommended software and tech tools.
  • Case Study & Examples Library: Collection of stories, examples, and case studies from fellow PLF owners.
  • Lead Magnet Crowdsource Call: Training that helps you develop your own compelling Lead Magnet.
  • Advanced Launch Multipliers: The launch types for special occasions, including Live Launches, Quick Launches, and Evergreen Launches.
  • Launch Partnership: Training that teaches various partnership models for growing your business.
  • Winning Book Launches: Training on how to launch your book – PLF style.
  • Transformation Statement Crowdsource Call:Teach you to turn your idea into an offer people will want to buy.
  • PLF Backstage Pass: This bonus takes you behind the scenes of the business and shows you the inner workings of Jeff’s Launch Masterclass.
  • Presentation Mastery: In this bonus, the video experts break down the essential elements of creating great videos – what to perfect and what to avoid – so you can start quickly.
  • “Nail Your Offer” Crowdsource Call: Training that gives you insights on making your offer.
  • 80/20 Launch Roadmap: This bonus training teaches you the must-know concepts for success with launching.
  • Next Level Launchy Secrets: This mini-module teaches you how to get the most out of™.
  • AI Momentum: The three-part series, taught by Launch Club member Alison Vidotto, teaches you how to use to build your best launch yet!
  • Accelerate Your List Building: Techniques for creating high-converting “Opt-in” and “Thank You” pages.

The Product Launch Formula is a gift that keeps giving, even after you finish the course. All you need to do is put in the work, stay committed, and remain open to new possibilities.

As someone who enjoys learning through reading, my favorite bonus is the collection of guides and mini-modules. The “Advanced Launch Multipliers” and “80/20 Launch Roadmap” mini-modules were particularly noteworthy to me. They teach you how to maximize your results with minimal effort. Please refer to the image below to see the complete list of available resources.

List of bonus mini modules inside the PLF

Coaching Calls

Once you enroll in the program, you’ll receive 12 months of live group coaching calls scheduled weekly. You can catch up by watching the recorded replays if you miss any sessions due to your busy schedule. Recordings make it a highly efficient way to get valuable guidance.™ – artificial intelligence tool

Enrolling in PLF grants you an entire year of complimentary access to Launchy.™ is a pioneering AI tool integrated with the Product Launch Formula®. You can effortlessly and precisely shape your entire strategy with a few clicks. This innovative tool guides PLF students along the well-defined path, eliminating the daunting “blank page” hurdle.

The unveiling of™ during the PLF Live training sparked enthusiastic reactions. Explore firsthand testimonials about this AI tool in the image below:

The latest PLF update includes the Launchy AI tool and an improved community portal on the Mighty Networks’ platform.

The Community – PLF Alumni

The PLF community has transitioned from a Facebook group to Mighty Networks’ custom community portal.

Mighty Networks, renowned for its excellent reputation and superior features compared to Facebook groups, serves as the chosen community software. This shift promises an enhanced experience for your brainstorming sessions and interactions with fellow PLF members.

The community is accessible online or through its mobile app (IOS or Android).

Joining the group grants you access to a network of fellow PLF attendees who provide valuable tools, resources, and case studies. This group was helpful when I was brainstorming ideas for launching the dog training courses in Slovenia.

Other Features worth mentioning

Beyond the main content, there are extra features that, while not the main focus, have proven helpful in supporting my journey. These elements offer guidance, answer questions, and even provide opportunities to benefit financially. As we look closer, you’ll see how they complement the main content, enhancing the overall experience.

Launch Path

The Launch Path is an interactive section designed to guide you from your current position, whether starting out or looking to grow your existing business, to the life you’ve always wanted. It provides clear instructions on your next steps toward a successful launch, helping you stay informed and focused on your goals.

Using the Launch Path feature helped me maintain focus and make informed decisions, making it much easier to reach my goals.

The Launch Path

Launch FAQ

The Launch FAQ section provides answers to the most common questions from PLF students. It allows you to find answers quickly and ensures a smoother, more focused learning experience.

Referral Program

You can earn up to $10,000 by referring like-minded individuals to the course. The referral program presents a great opportunity to grow your business while making a positive impact on the lives of others. It’s a rewarding experience.

Membership Benefits

As alumni, you’ll enjoy long-term benefits, including access to the latest versions of PLF at discounted rates. You may even have the chance to take part in a live coaching session with Jeff Walker himself on Facebook. Being part of the community allows you to stay connected, learn from others, share resources, and network with like-minded individuals.

Course Takeaways: Summary of Things You’ll Learn

The Product Launch Formula is a comprehensive course that equips you with practical strategies, tactics, and knowledge to launch your product. Throughout the course, you will gain expertise in several key areas, including:

  • Niche selection and defining your avatar: You will learn to select a niche market and create an avatar representing your target audience. This avatar combines the qualities and traits of your ideal customers into a single persona.
  • Sales and marketing: The program teaches you to leverage psychology. You will discover how to create persuasive sales videos and compelling content to express your message.
  • Launch strategies: The course explores different types of launches and guides you in selecting the most suitable path for your business.
  • List building and Email marketing: You will learn about the technical aspects of list building, including creating opt-in pages and lead magnets. The course also covers techniques for nurturing and engaging your email list through email sequences. Furthermore, you will have access to swipe files that you can use for your email campaigns.
  • Product creation: You will have access to the Product Creation Code, which assists you in developing a high-quality product. It covers the entire product creation process, from strategizing and designing to creating and delivering your product.

Which 9 types of launches does the course cover?

The PLF course covers 9 types of launches to suit different business needs and goals:

  • Seed Launch: enables you to create a product your market is willing to buy while getting paid. It involves offering and delivering live training to a small group. The recordings of this training are then used to create a more refined product.
    The Seed Launch is interactive, as your members contribute to co-creating the product with you. If you still need a market-tested product, this launch type is ideal for your first attempt. It is also suitable if you have an existing business and want to develop a new product.
  • Internal Launch: follows the classic Sideways Sales Letter® approach, targeting your email list without relying on JV partners. For this launch, you need a list and a product tested in the market.
  • JV Launch: involves attracting, training, and collaborating with partners who will promote your product to their lists. It employs strategies and concepts similar to those of the Internal Launch but leverages the reach of your JV partners to expand the impact.
  • Quick Launch: this is a speedy way to generate immediate revenue. It entails offering existing products to your current email list to create quick cash flow.
  • Evergreen Launch: transforms your one-time product launch into an automated and ongoing process. Regardless of when leads enter your world, they will receive pre-launch content followed by the sales letter. This launch type ensures every prospect experiences the sequence, creating a continuous flow of new customers.
  • Live Launch: This launch method uses live broadcasts to share your Prelaunch Content. It helps you provide more value and keep your audience engaged longer.
  • Sparta Launch: This type is ideal for selling high-priced, small-group events or exclusive programs with a few emails or even just one email. It was created by some of Jeff’s Platinum Plus Mastermind members, whom you will meet in the Sparta Launch Panel.
  • Pasare Launch: This launch involves releasing all your prelaunch content at once, followed by an offer. This is not your first launch – you need to have well-tested assets and a list of warm prospects. The Pasare Launch is a re-launch, and it’s great for delivering massive value to your prospects without much work.
  • Book Launch: can be more complex than a standard launch because there is no scarcity element (customers can buy the book from other sources like Amazon). Yet, you can still achieve a successful book launch by adding value and employing creative strategies.

types of launches inside the Product Launch Formula

Pros: What is good about the program?

  • Jeff Walker is a knowledgeable mentor who has guided industry leaders like Stu McLaren and Michael Hyatt. He excels as a teacher and provides comprehensive guidance.
  • The training is the most comprehensive, practical, and up-to-date. Jeff goes beyond theory and demonstrates applying PLF using real-life examples in 2024.
  • The PLF coaches have extensive experience with its implementation. Among them, Don Crowther stands out for launching many programs using the course and provide outstanding support.
  • The program includes live calls, events, and an active community that motivates and encourages action.
  • Access to all course materials allows you to work independently.

Cons: What is NOT good about the course?

  • Going through all the course materials can be time-consuming. Since it is a step-by-step training, the best approach is to learn, process the knowledge, discuss it, apply it to your business, and then progress further.
  • It requires effort on your part. Jeff teaches you his formula, but you need to implement it yourself. Yet, bonus modules are available that teach you how to scale your team or collaborate so that you can go through the course with others.
  • $1,997 is a significant investment, especially if you are starting from scratch.

Conclusion of My Review

In conclusion, the PLF course proves to be highly valuable for both new business owners and experienced entrepreneurs. Yet, it’s important to note that the program comes with a significant price tag, which may only be feasible for some after proper consideration.

Was it worth it?

Tthe Product Launch Formula is a worthwhile investment for individuals willing to learn strategies for launching and building their businesses. From my experience, it is precious, and I would make the same decision to purchase it again!

Are there any risks in buying the PLF course?

Rest assured, this course comes with a 14-day, full money-back guarantee. If you find yourself unsatisfied at any point within the next 2 weeks, return it for a complete refund of your entire payment, including shipping and handling. We stand by this guarantee without any questions or hassles.

Our priority is your satisfaction, and we want you to feel confident and secure in your investment. Take advantage of this risk-free opportunity and start your learning journey today!

satisfaction guarantee

To summarize, by investing in Jeff’s Product Launch Formula today, you will receive over $9,497 worth of bonuses…

Product Launch Formula review & bonus

Order Product Launch Formula Now


Who is the Product Launch Formula for?

The Product Launch Formula is appropriate for:

  • Bloggers,
  • Entrepreneurs,
  • Coaches,
  • Practitioners,
  • Authors,
  • Artists,
  • Business owners who are looking to scale their businesses.

The PLF course will also suit you if you’re starting from scratch. You don’t have a list, a product, or a business, and maybe you don’t even have an idea for a business yet, and you need to know where to start.

Who is NOT the target audience of PLF?

The PLF is not for you if you aim to “get rich quick” without working.

What are the Product Launch Formula steps?

The Product Launch Formula is a complex course, so it would be difficult to describe all the steps within this answer. However, I created a separate article that summarizes what is taught within the course and provides clear instructions on the steps you need to take to launch successfully. You can access it here: Product Launch Blueprint.

What are the requirements for having a successful launch?

Based on the Product Launch Formula, several key elements are necessary to achieve a successful launch:

  • A compelling story: Having a good story helps captivate your audience and creates a strong connection during the launch process.
  • An engaged audience: Building and nurturing an audience interested in your product or service is crucial in PLF. It ensures that your product launch reaches people who are more likely to convert into customers.
  • Quality content and marketing materials: Persuasive copy, engaging visuals, and informative content generate interest and drive conversions during your launch.
  • In-demand product or service: A product that meets the needs and desires of your target audience increases the chances of a successful launch. Understanding market demand and positioning your offering is essential.
  • Strong work ethics and drive: A solid work ethic and a determined mindset are necessary for executing a successful launch. Jeff Walker’s team of coaches provides support and guidance throughout your launch journey.
  • Launch plan that covers all the necessary steps of product launching:
    • product creation,
    • writing compelling marketing materials,
    • implementing a tech infrastructure (that supports smooth and efficient launch execution),
    • launching your product,
    • delivering your product and
    • nurturing existing customers.

The Product Launch Formula course provides comprehensive guidance and support on all the essential elements mentioned above. You will learn to craft a compelling story, build an engaged audience, create persuasive content, and execute a tested launch plan. The PLF community is a source of motivation and drive, further fueling your journey towards a successful product launch.

Are there any success examples and testimonials from PLF members?

The Product Launch Formula course created many success stories in the past. While you can access a few selected PLF case studies on this page, there are more inside the members area of the course.

Product Launch Formula login: Where can you access the members area?

Does Jeff Walker offer any free content?

Jeff Walker shares a lot of free valuable content through:


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